PAX Thoughts: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Defusing a bomb with my brother was one of my absolute highlights of PAX.  Let me explain.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a game where one person (me in this case) wears an oculus rift and is put into a room with a virtual bomb.  The other player (my brother) sits next to them with a bomb defusal manual.  You have five minutes to defuse the bomb or else you explode.  GO!

We didn't quite know what to expect but it ended up being amazing.  We were communicating back and forth so much.  I had to relay what I was seeing and answer questions for him about the bomb.  He had to make sure he found the correct instructions for the correct bomb modules I was dealing with.

What I didn't realize (because I was in the oculus) was that a crowd was slowly forming while we were playing.  We had a lot of trouble with our second bomb module.  We used two of our strikes (three strikes and you go BOOM) on the second module before deciding to leave it and move on.  We defused the rest of the modules and came back to module two with just over 30 seconds on the clock.  In a race against time he started rapidly iterating through the possiblities while I looked at the bomb and said, "No, No, No, maybe... No, No, No, Yes? Yes!  I think.  I'll try it."  And with that we defused the bomb.... with 7 seconds left!  The crowd let out a huge cheer!  I took off the oculus and there were at least 25 people standing there watching us do our bomb defusing attempt.  It was awesome!

The developer said Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is slated to finally release in October on Steam.  If you have a second player that's willing to try it with you... you absolutely should.  It was such an amazing experience!


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