Final Fantasy IV Initial Impressions

Kain is here to ease my suffering from FFIII. Thanks Kain. I was planning on writing my initial impressions sooner, but FFIV pulled me in right away and hasn't let go. I'm already about 8 hours into the game so I figure it's about time to put some thoughts down. When I put on my headphones and first launched FFIV the music overwhelmed me. It was so much better than the last three games I played. I literally just sat there and listened to the title music for at least 5 minutes. I don't know if the music has been remastered or if Square just hit their stride with this one, but the music is top notch. This is where the work of Nobuo Uematsu truly starts to shine. So many of his compositions and arrangements are in my mind forever and I know FFIV will add a few tracks of it's own. It's also immediately obvious that the story in FFIV is meant to drive the game. I'm invested in the saga of Cecil and his companions in a way that I...