Geek to Geek S6E25 - Steam Deck & Play Date & Games - “I intend to kill some of their characters”
In This Episode: We hit on a bunch of geekery and game-y topics like D&D, the Haunted Mansion board game, the Backbone One, Cris Tales, Minecraft Dungeons, Pokemon Unite, FFVII Intermission Integrade, Steam Deck, FFXIV Patch Content, Playdate, The Quiet Year, and some random asides. We’re basically just jumping around to whatever is top of mind while catching up! And mustarding. Weekly Geekery All geekery episode! Subscribe to Our Digital Magazine on Patreon The Patreon is shifting gears a little. We're now putting out a monthly digital magazine for patrons starting in August. Make sure that you read this sample of the exclusive content , and if (read: when) you love it, you can go to to support the new publication. We are always looking to add new value for Geek to Geek Patrons, so if there's something you would like to see, let us know! Join Our Community! Discord: Slack: Oth