Gaming Plans

Well I had a crazy week. I barely played any games at all. But I had some time to scan the headlines and keep up with gaming news. I realized that there aren't actually that many games announced that I'm excited for. I was thinking ahead to everything I know of that is supposed to release this year and I only game up with a couple that I'm really interesting in getting. Final Fantasy Type-0 is the game I'm most excited for. I obviously love the Final Fantasy series and this is the first time Type-0 is getting released in the U.S. It's a gritty, mature take on war and it has the Final Fantasy name attached. It's also an action RPG which is a departure for the series. I've purposefully avoided most information about it because I know that I'll pick it up day one. I'll always give a new Final Fantasy game a chance and I like discovering the world on my own. Because of my love for the series I'm also excited to get my hands on Fina...