Revisiting Armello

The release of Armello snuck by me earlier this month. Granted, my month has been crazy busy. I was looking through my current Steam games the other night and saw that Armello was no longer listed as early access. Since then, I've jumped in and played a bunch of games. I thought it had potential when I bought it in Early Access and it's definitely come a long way. Things are much more clear and make more sense at a glance now. They done a lot to improve how information is displayed to the player and it goes a long way toward making this a great game. It's still an interesting blend of board game and video game with a unique aesthetic style. It feels the way that a tabletop/videogame hybrid should feel. It's very cool. I even branched out from the AI and played a few games with real people online. Those were actually much more compelling than any of the AI games I had played. The AI seems overly smart and vindictive against ...