Gaming Time/Skill

Image via Penny-Arcade I suck at Halo Reach. I'm not a bad gamer and I do fine in the campaign, but compared to everyone else in matchmaking online I am not good. Penny-Arcade summed up my feelings perfectly, so I couldn't resist using their strip from last week. Why do I suck at Halo? I've been playing video games for something like 20 years now, so it's not lack of experience. I like FPS games and I play them often, so that's not it. I'm 23 and my reaction times are still good. I think the problem is my lack of time. To get good at twitch games like Halo Reach a person needs to spend a lot of time with that particular game. It all comes down to execution, which can only be improved through playing. I don't have as much time to devote to any one game as I used to. I have work, taking care of my newborn, spending time with my wife, and other adult responsibilities. Also, I like trying a lot of different gaming expe...