Final Fantasy X: Initial Impressions

I'm playing the Final Fantasy X HD Remaster on my Vita and I'm loving it. The remaster is also available on PS3 or you can grab the original game on PS2. Final Fantasy X is such a great game in the series. It's another leap forward in console generations since it's the first Final Fantasy game on PS2. I always knew that Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy X were some of my favorites and this playthrough of Final Fantasy X is reaffirming that. The setting is a technologically repressed world where a giant monster called Sin runs rampant. Sin kills and destroys for no apparently reason. An entire religion had been built around Sin and it's effects. One of the outcomes of the religion is a group known as Summoners. They can call on powerful mystical creatures known as Aeons to help them. Summoners must journey throughout the world on a pilgrimage to gather all the Aeons. Once they have done so, they can conduct a final su...