Put Destiny on Hold

I enjoyed the time I spent with Destiny.  I played it consistently for the first couple weeks and then off and on in the third week.  Now I haven't touched it for over a week and I can tell I'm done with it.

It's not a bad game.  But, like I pointed out in my impressions, it has some big flaws.

Since then I've progressed my character up to level 26 through light gear.  Occasionally it was fun, but mostly it was a grind.  I spent a lot of time doing the same content over and over again to gain reputation and marks that I needed to purchase higher level gear.

I also did a bunch of multiplayer to see if it would hook me.  It was entertaining for a day, but these days I'm not much of a fan of competitive FPS multiplayer.

I'm sure I played through the entire story campaign content and strike missions at least twice.  It was probably closer to three times.

I saw everything Destiny had to offer except the endgame raid.  I don't have the time to organize and participate in a raid, so that was never a big draw for me in the first place.  But, besides that raid, I can honestly say I saw every other piece of content in the game.

Even though I spent hours with the content I never once saw a legendary or exotic weapon drop.  The random number generator gods shunned me.  I saw lots of my friends get really cool gear to drop, but not me.  I got mine through pure grinding.  That's when I knew I was no longer having fun.

I wish Destiny was more than it is.  It still holds a lot of promise.  I hope they deliver on that promise in the expansions.  I'll probably end up checking them out when they release.  For now, Destiny can sit on my hard drive and wait for more content to come.  I'm putting it on hold until I see what Bungie decides to do with it next.


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