Hero Academy: The Tactics I've Been Craving

Hero Academy is the game I've been longing for . I didn't know how much I needed a game like this, but now I'm playing it more than anything else. I've been in the mood for a nice tactical game without twitch elements, and Hero Academy fills that role perfectly. The premise of Hero Academy is simple. On your turn you get five actions to spend how you will. The game plays out asynchronously over multiple turns. If you destroy your opponent's crystals or kill all of their units you emerge the victor. These five actions can be to move a unit, attack with a unit, or bring an object into play from your current available "hand" at the bottom of the screen. The objects you'll bring into play are more units, equipment for existing units, and spells that you cast on the battlefield. At the end of every turn your current hand of objects refills up to six. Those are the basic mechanics of the game,...