What I Learned By Writing Every Day

Writing every day is hard work. Seriously. Today is the last day of the Wordcount 2010 Blogathon . Participants were asked to write at least one post every day for the entire month of May. I made the rash decision to sign up and somehow I've survived. This is my last post in that series. I have learned that writing every day is difficult to accomplish on top of working 40 hour weeks and having a life. Getting married during May certainly made it more interesting. Despite the difficulty - or maybe because of it - I feel a huge sense of accomplishment today. It was a lot of work and some days I really didn't feel like writing but I did it anyway. Don't get me wrong though, I'm still enjoying writing a lot. If I could make a living as a full time writer I'd be extremely happy. I wouldn't have a problem writing each day if it was my only job. My writing is flowing easier than it was when I started posting a few months ago....