What I Learned By Writing Every Day

Writing every day is hard work.  Seriously.  Today is the last day of the Wordcount 2010 Blogathon.  Participants were asked to write at least one post every day for the entire month of May.  I made the rash decision to sign up and somehow I've survived.  This is my last post in that series.

I have learned that writing every day is difficult to accomplish on top of working 40 hour weeks and having a life.  Getting married during May certainly made it more interesting.

Despite the difficulty - or maybe because of it - I feel a huge sense of accomplishment today.  It was a lot of work and some days I really didn't feel like writing but I did it anyway.  Don't get me wrong though, I'm still enjoying writing a lot.  If I could make a living as a full time writer I'd be extremely happy.  I wouldn't have a problem writing each day if it was my only job.

My writing is flowing easier than it was when I started posting a few months ago.  I guarantee it's because practice is the best way to improve skills.  I'm so glad I decided to start this blog and I plan to keep it going indefinitely.

That said, I won't keep up the pace that I have this last month.  Some days I need a break or I'm just too tired to write well.  I only want to put high quality posts in front of you - my readers - instead of feeling like I half-assed a post.  Before May I was writing about 5 posts each week.  Expect to see a return to that pace.  Having a couple days free helps recharge my creativity and I seem to have an easier time thinking of topics without a daily deadline looming.

Ok, I'm done writing for the day... and maybe tomorrow too.


  1. That's a very good lesson to take forward. Report back in a month and let us know how it goes. I do find my regularity declines considerably right after the blogathon. :-)

  2. Yeah, I don't think that posting daily is really for me. Posting when I feel like it sounds much more convenient.

  3. It's a bit like drawing; if you want to get better, you practice... even if what you churn out doesn't look quite right. One of my favorite teachers suggested that we all have 10,000 bad drawings in us before we get to the good stuff, so we should get going and work the bad stuff out. ;)

  4. That's really good advice. It's actually the main reason I started blogging. I wanted to get better at writing and I figure that the best way to get better is to write constantly.


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