Nearing the End of my Backlog
This is really weird. I'm almost at the end of my game backlog. Since I got my first job at age 15 (and got my first real buying power) this has never ever ever happened. I'm 28 and I've had a gaming backlog for 13 years at this point. What do I do when I finish all the games I intended to play!? This doesn't mean I'm about to stop playing videogames. It just means that I've always had games I own that I intend to play but haven't. That list is dwindling fast. I've noticed that I'm going through games faster these days. Since I've been playing videogames for as long as I can remember I'm now really good at analyzing a new game. I figure out it's systems and what it has to offer, usually within the first 30-60 minutes of play, and then I decide if it's offering enough newness that I want to keep playing. Usually I don't. I have enough experience with games that I don't need to retread old ground most of the tim