Geek to Geek S5E39 - Super Mario 3D Retrospective - "The best game that no one should play"
We’ve been playing a bunch of 3D Mario games. Which makes sense because it's the 35th anniversary of the release of Super Mario Bros on NES all the way back in 1985. We even did an issue of PRESS START on Mario at! Beej has been playing a TON of Mario games, not just 3D ones, either. But he finally beat Super Mario Odyssey and likes it a lot more than he did beforehand. Between Super Mario 3D Land and World, the level-based platforming is covered, the New Wii U Deluxe version is getting some Switch play, and then there's the brand new Super Mario 3D All-Stars that just released that everyone is playing and loving. He's playing that, too! Whew! And Void is, too! He's focusing more on the Super Mario 3D All-Stars part of things, but really loves him some Super Mario Galaxy. Enough that he beat it on its own already. He wants Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Switch, and his thinking is that we're going to see it as DLC for the All-Stars