Games of the Year 2022: Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels DLC

I always hesitate to put DLC on a list of games of the year but I had a lot of fun with this one so I felt I needed to include it! The Hot Wheels DLC is the first of at least two new DLC areas that is included in the Forza Horizon 5 add on pass. When Forza Horizon 5 came out last year I tried it because it was on Game Pass and was surprised that I got pulled in enough to play the entire game and do every event. By the end of my time with it, I was essentially out of things to do. The Hot Wheels DLC not only gives me more to do, it also includes an entire new map with multiple biomes and it's all tied together with gigantic life-sized hot wheels tracks. It's so incredibly evident how much fun the team was having when making this DLC since they were getting to play around with all the Hot Wheels love from childhood but bring it into a completely new context within this game. I loved my time with it and it has made me even more excited to see what they do with their next ...