Sci-Fi Movie Kick

In approaching the end of my gaming backlog I've started to spend more time with other media that I like.  Books, movies, TV shows, and that sort of thing.  Lately, I've been on kinda a Sci-Fi movie kick so I asked for some recommendations and then watched a bunch of movies over the course of a weekend.

Her -  This was an amazing movie, probably the best of this bunch.  It's about a man who installs an operating system that is supposedly artificially intelligent.  It's supposed to help him more than the other modern equivalents.  He and the AI grow together and form a relationship.  It's a fascinating watch and I've been thinking about it for days afterwards.

Moon - I don't know how to sell this movie to you without giving away spoilers but I'll try.  There's are mining colonies on the moon providing the world energy.  Each mining colony is automated enough that it only takes one person to operate them.  The movie picks up at one of these mines where the operator is almost done with his contract.  The long isolation is starting to get to him and as he approaches the end of his contract and his return journey home he starts to figure out some secrets of the company.  It's a great movie.  You should watch it.

Ex Machina - Another movie about AI, but with a different slant.  There's a huge tech company CEO with a reclusive estate where he works on secret projects.  He invites one of his employees to the complex and tells him that he thinks he's close to having created a real AI... but needs someone to test it.  The movie becomes about the employee and his interactions with this human-like AI.  I didn't know anything about this movie going in, but once it got rolling I couldn't stop watching.  This is another one I highly recommend.

Jupiter Ascending - Ugh... Ok.  So... Mila Kunis is a cleaning lady but she secretly has the DNA of the queen of the galaxy... or something.  This movie is really bad.  I can tell it must have had a huge budget because the special effects are over the top.  But the story and dialogue cannot hold this movie together.  I couldn't even finish watching Jupiter Ascending.  It was that bad.  And it wasn't even "so bad that it's good" it's just bad.  Skip this one.

Do you guys have any other Sci-Fi movie recommendations for me?  I'm really enjoying them at the moment.


  1. I've seen the two last one you mention. I did finish Jupiter, while it's not the best movie I have seen, it's not the worst either. I would have been better if it was made into a series instead because it really feels like you are missing out on a lot of story. And I don't think the two main characters had much chemistry.

    1. I think my problem was that I watched a few really good movies right before watching Jupiter Ascending. It put the movie into perspective and I just couldn't deal with it.

      You're right though, the main characters chemistry sucked.

  2. Ohh liking your list... I have not seen any of above and I call myself a sci-fi fan :o Must correct this ASAP!!

    1. Let me know what you think of them if you get around to watching them!

  3. Good list! I absolutely loved Ex Machina, it gave me so much to think about. Jupiter Ascending was awful :( It had pretty costumes but that's about it.

    A fairly recent sci-fi movie I watched is Predestination, which I really liked. It's about agents who time travel to prevent crimes from happening (that description sounds kinda like Minority Report, but it's not that similar).

    1. I love a good time travel movie! I'll definitely check it out, thanks for the recommendation.

  4. I so wanted to like Jupiter Ascending, but it was just so dumb... kind of like Insurgent, which we've already talked about.

    You want to see a weird movie? Try finding "Digging up the Marrow."

  5. I've not seen these! I'll have to add them (the suggested ones) to my Netflix Queue or such. :D

    1. You can definitely avoid Jupiter Ascending. Let me know if you check the others out!

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