Gaming To-Do List Update

Earlier in the month I was inspired to make a gaming to-do list because of a great post by Izlain.  Now that we're nearing the end of the month and the end of Blaugust I thought it would be a good time to check in on the status of my list.

Here's where we stand:
  • Persona 4 Golden - Still playing and enjoying!  I plan on playing more.
  • Hearthstone - Succeeded in getting to at least rank 20 by the end of the month.  Kept up with the Tavern Brawl's every week for card packs.  Will continue to play for now
  • FFXIV Heavensward - I did daily trial roulettes until they stopped being fun.  Now I have the game on hold until the next content update.[removing from list]
  • KOTOR II - Tried and found it wanting.  Done with this game.[removing from list]
  • Valkyria Chronicles - I got back to the game and have been playing it.  Still not complete.  Will keep playing
  • Dirty Bomb - I tried it and didn't like it.[removing from list]
  • Fire Emblem Awakening - I still haven't gotten back to this game, but I want to.  It was a fantastic SRPG.
  • Lightning Returns - I plan on getting to it soon.  I want to spend more time with Final Fantasy spin-offs.
  • FFX-2 - Another Final Fantasy spin-off that I already own.  I liked playing it through when it first released.  I want to try the remaster! [added to list]
There we go.  A few games removed and one game added!  Lots of progress being made this month as I work toward the end of my gaming backlog.

Next month, September, is typically when games start releasing for the upcoming holiday season.  We'll see how that impacts my gaming intentions heading into the new year.  There are a few games I'm really excited about, but they're all scheduled to release in November or December.

It looks like I get to keep working on my backlog for another month!


  1. Glad some people actually know how to make lists and use them. Unlike me :D


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