Dragon Age Inquisition: Tactical Hack and Slash?

If I were playing this game on PC I would be tactical.  I would be pausing all the time to issue orders and micro-manage my characters.  I would basically be playing this the same way I played Dragon Age Origins.

But I picked it up on PS4.  It feels great to run into a battle swinging away.  I charge in, activate some abilities, destroy my enemies, and move on with my day.  It's quick and satisfying.

It's all because of the input device.  With a console controller in my hand it feels great to tear through enemies.  With a mouse and keyboard it's nice to take my time and plan out every move for every character.  It's amazing how much the input device can change the feel of a game.

I got a few hours into Dragon Age Inquisition and noticed something weird about normal difficultly.  It's not fun for either playstyle.  The enemies are too easy to stop and be tactical with my approach.  But they're slightly too hard to demolish without thinking.  I made the executive decision to stick with my no-holds-barred real-time battles so I turned the difficulty down to casual.

I used to think of casual difficultly as a bad thing.  But these days I don't have time to waste fighting battles over and over again.  I want an interesting world with an enthralling plot and great characters.  I've decided to not care too much about the combat in Dragon Age Inquisition, and I'm ok with that.  I'm in it for the rest of the experience.


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