Star Wars: Tarkin

Yesterday I finished Star War: Tarkin.  It's the second novel in the Star Wars New Expanded Universe.  I must say, this novel was much better than A New Dawn.

The novel is a character piece all about how Grand Moff Tarkin became a Grand Moff.  It also details how he became involved with the Death Star.  It's a good read for the background alone, but it's actually a really interesting look at his life and how he works within the Empire to achieve his goals.

I jumped back and forth between reading the kindle version and listening to the Audible version.  Have I mentioned how much I love whispersync syncing between kindle books and Audible?  It's amazing.

The audio book version is great.  It has amazing sound design.  They manage to capture the atmosphere of scenes as well as adding sound effects as characters are acting within the scenes.  I've never encountered an audiobook with these productive values before.  It's easy to recommend it.

And overall, Tarkin is easier to recommend than A New Dawn.  It's a much more interesting book.

I've officially reached the end of the novels in the New Expanded Universe now.  I know there are only two, but its still sad compared to how many were in the Old Expanded Universe (now called Star Wars Legends).  I'm excited for the first books in the new Expanded Universe that actually have main characters like Luke, Han, and Leia.  I think the next one that releases is slated to get back to them.

While I'm still adapting to this New Expanded Universe I'm glad that I'm starting to get invested in it.  I just love Star Wars so much.


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