Avoiding Game Media After Purchase Decision

As soon as I realize I'm going to purchase a game that's not out yet I stop consuming media about it.  The lead up to Fallout 4 made me realize that I've started doing this over the past few years.

I love finding out about games while playing them, so as soon as that purchase decision has been made the only thing I can do is spoil it for myself.  I don't actively hide my eyes from all things about the game I'm interested in but I do stop seeking it out and reading every in depth article.

These days I'm much more likely to consume media around a game I'm on the fence about.

It's actually really fun this way.  I get to go into huge games with giant media blitzes basically blind and truly experience it all for the first time.

That's how it's been this year since Fallout 4 was announced.  Immediately after the E3 press conference I knew I would buy it.  I pre-ordered it on Steam as soon as it was an option and then promptly forgot about the game until a few days before it's release.

If you're a constant consumer of media for a game you want, you might want to try my way.  It's been surprising how much more fun I can have with big AAA games when I don't know as much going into them.


  1. I've been doing this too, especially for the big titles. I avoided almost all information about Fallout 4 and even DAI before they came out. It's nice for there to be some surprises when you start the game.

    1. This last week has been so fun with Fallout 4 and I think one of the big reasons is that after watching the initial E3 trailer I haven't looked at anything else related to Fallout 4.

      I've been doing this for more and more games I'm excited for and it seems to be paying off for me.

  2. I preordered Fallout 4 the day it was available for preorder. The only thing I didn't avoid were some of the funnier videos, but I didn't bother with any reviews. I don't see the point; I know I am buying it and why.

    1. It's so fun to save the surprise for yourself.

  3. I'm like this as well when it comes to certain games as I find knowing in advance what's out there kind of ruins it. For these large open world games it's a little different though, I don't mind seeing how others play and even watching a let's play because it's more about your own personal adventures.

    1. It's amazing to see how differently people approach a game as open as Fallout 4. I spent maybe 20 minutes building my base in total. I know people who have spent hours and hours doing nothing but base building.


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