Snap Judgement: Super Scribblenauts

Platform: Nintendo DS
Total Play Time: 45 minutes

Super Scribblenauts is an advancement from the original Scribblenauts, there's no faulting that.  The control issues have been taken care of and there are more words and modifiers than in the first game.  The overall premise, summoning anything you want out of thin air, remains the same.

I have to admit that I laughed when I accidentally put a zombie on a dinosaur and he commanded the dinosaur to kill me.  But besides that chuckle I was mostly bored.  While I love the idea of Super Scribblenauts I just couldn't get into the gameplay.  I saw how it was meant to be fun and how others could find the game fun, but it just didn't click with me.  I was hoping all the improvements would really wow me, but the game hasn't made a giant leap from where it started.  It's probably more of a problem with me than with the game.

I will say there's a ton of potential in this game for you if you love words, vocabulary, and stretching your mind.  As for me, I wanted to love it, but I'm sending it back to Gamefly.


  1. I loved this game.... but then I love words: writing, word puzzles, reading, etc.

    I didn't dick around much with just summoning random crap - rather I tried to solve the puzzles without repeating myself very frequently. It was both challenging and satisfying in that respect.

  2. I love writing, word puzzles, and reading too... I really can't put my finger on why this game didn't click for me. I still recommend that people try it out for themselves, because it definitely isn't a bad game.


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