Child's Play Charity 2010

Child's Play Charity has reached over 1 million dollars donated this year.  If you haven't contributed yet, now is the time!  Child's Play is a great way for the gaming community to do something positive for others.

The media and general public tend to think of gamers in a negative way.  I love that Child's Play breaks those stereotypes and shows that we're just people like everyone else.  It's a charity that donates games and gaming systems to children's wings of hospitals.  It makes a huge difference in a child's happiness when they get to play and have fun with other children.

There are some amazing stories from patients and parents of patients who have seen the difference games can make.  Just read some of these letters and you'll see how much happiness you can bring a child.

The entire gaming community has been pitching in.  The Penny-Arcade guys not only run the charity, but also throw a huge charity auction on it's behalf.  The humble indie bundle lets people buy some great independent games and contribute part of the proceeds to Child's Play.  The team at Desert Bus for Hope plays one of the most boring games ever made for days and days based on the donations they receive, all of which go to Child's Play.  Those are only the high profile events, just look at the events page to see all the other gamers that are helping to raise money for a great cause.

Even if you don't donate, I still want you to know that there are gamers out there doing good things for others.  But seriously, think about donating.  It's bringing happiness to kids who need it.


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