S3E14 - Reading State of Mind - “Sheepish Cake”

Reading State of Mind
In this episode:
  • We update each other on reading, audio books, when and how we’re reading, and basically everything that goes with it.
Weekly Geekery
  • Beej is still watching Crazy Ex Girlfriend, started the Punisher, finished Lock-In, is trying Disgaea, and is sheepish about cake for some reason.  He should just embrace cake as a fact of life. Cake is important. What’s the point of life if you’re not going to live it?
  • Void played Minit, went back to playing Assassin’s Creed Origins, and has some thoughts about the Solo trailer.  He also blatantly owns the fact that he enjoys eating pizza, cake, and Reese’s. He’s not afraid to live a little.  Junk food is good, embrace it.
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Music by CarboHydroM


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