Lasting Appeal

I can't find a new game to hold my attention.  I want something that I've never played before that grabs me and keeps me interested... but I've had no luck.

Thankfully, I have a few fallback games that keep me happy.  Team Fortress 2, League of Legends, and Starcraft 2 are all amazing games that I love to play.  I started wondering why I keep coming back for more.

After giving it some thought, I've come up with a few reasons these games stay enjoyable.

PvP Done Right
No matter how well an AI is programmed there is still nothing like matching wit and skill with another human.  All 3 of these games are based around multiplayer and have systems in place to keep things fair while competing against other humans.  TF2 scrambles the teams whenever it detects a big imbalance in skill.  SC2 and League both have awesome ranking systems in place to match players with others of a similar skill level.  This way, no matter how good or bad you are, you'll have just the right amount of challenge in your gameplay.

Diversity of Play
TF2 has 8 classes which all play in unique ways, SC2 has 3 races that add their own twist to the RTS formula, and League has close to 80 champions to pick from that span a wide range of playstyles (and they add more all the time).  Not to mention that each of these games has multiple game modes which means there's even more chance to find something fun to do.

Skill, not Luck
I know when I'm playing these games that I win or lose by skill alone.  There's no dice rolling or random number generator in the background to swing the game one way or another.  Skill determines the outcome.  In TF2 and League my twitch skills are tested, but also my skills at communicating with teammates and coordinating our efforts.  We win and lose as a team.  In SC2 my multitasking, strategy, and execution skills are put to the test and I rise or fall depending on me alone (I play mostly 1v1s).

These categories are some of the key aspects that keep these games fun.  I could also tell you about the level of polish or the stylistic graphics or the payment models or other details that I love... but I think it all comes down to fun gameplay in the end.

So, dear readers, do you have any games that always seem to draw you back for more?  What do you love about them?


  1. Team Fortress 2 is on my list for sure, and for the same reasons, but add onto my list a friendly atmosphere. I've played other FPS match style games, and even LoL, and found the trash talk of teammates to be unbearable for me.

    As for other games? I find myself continuously going back to the Oblivion and Fallout series, if only to just romp around a intricately built world. I have my complaints of the games, sure, but I absolutely enjoy playing a game where I can see something on the horizon, go there, and explore.

  2. I love games full of exploration. I really appreciate being able to wander and stumble into something interesting. It's a huge part of why I'm excited for Skyrim in November.

  3. Idk I tried Dominion and LOL but I don't find it as expansive as mmos. In MMOs like wow, you can quest, craft, do much more than just and pvp


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